Wednesday, September 23, 2009

My Karma Ran Over Your Dogma

Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of other's opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.
-Steve Jobs
I've been mentioning the meals I make each evening because those meals are my job. It's what makes staying out here, looking for more work, with only the Bungalow job actually bringing in a positive value to the bottom line, a possibility. It's the major circumstance that determines the condition of the bottom line, at the moment, and I take a modicum of pride in it.

Tuesday night's meal was Maple Pork Chops with Baked Red Potatoes. A blend of milk, half and half, and heavy cream used to coat pork loin chops in oatmeal. I double coated these, because alot seemed to come off, and probably could have triple or quadruple coated considering how much came off later. Lightly fry these, and then sautee with onions and garlic. After the onions are soft, mix in apples (rubbed with a little bit of brown sugar), sliced mushrooms and maple syrup. Sautee again, and then remove chops. Add a little bit of half and half, simmer and reduce to make a sauce.

It turned out great. It was filling and full of flavor. Sam said she could eat it once a week, and not be upset; not a possibility, given the higher than normal amount of sugar. But it is an impressive, hit dish.

Last night I made a crustless spinach quiche. I used Egg Substitute to lower the cholesterol, and replaced the three cups of Muenster tasked by the recipe with 2/3 Feta, 2/3 Italian Mix and 1 cup mild cheddar. This combination can probably be improved by a more precise blend of cheeses, I wanted to go mostly with Feta, to lower cholesterol and improve the health benefits overall, but the shopping list was not specific enough on the quantity, so I only had 2/3 of a cup of Feta. The recipe turned out great, and because of the contents (spinach, cheese, egg), the nutritional value is very high if you're someone who gets real exercise. Veggies, protein, dairy... I was glad I spent a good two hours at the gym yesterday, because that meal was a strong way to top it off.

Tonight I made Cranberry-Walnut Stuffing with a whole Chicken. Unfortunately, certain visitors ate my cranberries, despite express instructions, so I made Walnut Stuffing with a whole Chicken. It was not as good. But it was still good. Whatever.

So, I friend told me today that, under a good economy, an experienced individual will apply to an average of 70 jobs before finding success... this made me feel better.

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