Thursday, September 3, 2009

Drops in the Bucket

Several months ago I announced to my playing teammates that I would be leaving World of Warcraft to focus more on... well, Life. It's waxed and waned on me, ultimately becoming nothing more than an annoyance, but I enjoyed it briefly afterward knowing that my time with it would soon be coming to an end. Last night I uninstalled it, and all its paraphernalia and said my final goodbye in an unceremonious way (donating ridiculous amounts of things to the guild bank).

This lead to a (relatively) productive day! Slept in by about an hour, then went about writing some cover letters for online applications while I rebuilt my internal supply of coffee. Coffee is to Me as Spinach is to Popeye. Around noon I set off to Broad Ripple, a sub neighborhood of Indy, to apply at The Bungalow, an art boutique owned by a friend's wife. I went in, applied, and have an interview for next week! Prospects look good.

I also got my gym membership set up, at a great rate. The place is bigger and cleaner than the last gym. They've got a wing of cardio machines with flatscreens inset, as well as a separate "Cardio Cinema" where movies play and the room is filled with cardio machines. Private showers that are extremely clean, a sauna, and a lap pool. It seemed like a good fit, and I'm going to try and make an hour or two a daily routine there.

Upon my return home, I finished the grocery list for the week (got a great lineup), and we went shopping. We ordered pizza for dinner tonight because we didn't have a big enough buffer between weeks for miscellaneous. The nice lady at the pizza place thought I worked at Hero House, the comic shop down the street. I wish! She's desperately hoping they'll be successful, because the neighborhood could really use some affordable retail. I'm also hoping for their success, because why not? ART: One of the owners is a perfectly nice guy, but has no energy in his personality. May hinder his business.

I decided to help out an overworked mom and make her son's cake of choice. So at some point tomorrow, I'm making a Spongebob Cake. Jeez.

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