Thursday, September 17, 2009

Fever Dreams

Money can't buy friends, but it can get you a better class of enemy.
-Spike Milligan

Saturday and Sunday passed without anything eventful. They were relaxing and entertaining, and mostly spent waiting for Monday to come.

Monday came and I spent the morning placing follow-up calls to the establishments I applied at on Thursday. They all told me to call back at various times in the afternoon, effectively killing my plan to go to the gym. I did this, and in more than one case got told to call again for someone else. Bottomline: two need to be called again, two have filled their needs, but openly acknowledge the frequent incompetence of servers and will contact me if anything opens up. If my employment depends on someone else's incompetence than I should have a dream job any minute.

I also checked the university listings for jobs. A university job would be the best due to the following: 1) Health Insurance. Great when you have options between death and debt. 2) Free Credits and Credit Discounts. Three free credits (one class) and a third off all other credits. Tres) Its spanish for three. 4) Its on campus! Campus has people. And books. And people. And Other Things.

So, the university listings showed two things that were new and I was actually qualified for. Parking Lot Attendant and Data Entry. I applied for both (one goes through the university system, the other was a university posting that had to have an emailed resume). The Parking Lot Attendant job got an immediate referral past the screeners and to the hiring manager, and has remained there since (four days) like the other position I was referred to back on 09/01. Now they both sit on no-mans land, Interviewing has not started and I have not heard anything yet. Lame. Nor have I heard a reply from the e-mailed resume. University=Bureaucracy=Moves slower than a dead cow.

Tuesday meets with an altogether different experience. I over slept by something like three hours, and within being up for three hours, had to lay down again. Throbbing headache, lightheadedness, loss of appetite and loss of balance. I thought I was down for the count and was feeling really poorly. But! I got a pie from mom in the mail. It easily made my week, and is in the freezer. I'm saving it for Saturday when I will have the late evening to myself and can enjoy it with a big cup of coffee and a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

Yesterday (Wednesday): Was a recovery day. I felt better, but still with a slight headache, after waking up and stayed on housework and the like most of the day. I continued my re-organization of the cabinets and drawers, made the menu for the next week and got staple groceries (full grocery shop is tomorrow). I made Chicken Fajita Pitas which were great flavor, really filling and not too complicated. However, everything seems to cook slower here! The grill takes five minutes longer than I expect it to, water takes forever to boil, etc. I know the pace out here is supposed to be more leisurely than the east coast but that can't translate to the molecular level. If it did, people out here would live longer. Though, a scientifically slower metabolism would explain the generally doughy physique of no limited part of the population.

Today I set about working things again. I prepared dinner early in the morning and let it cook all day, I did some paer work, checked up on applications, filled out an online application for a local place that is opening up as well as set an appointment with UPS for a month from now to get a part time job working their peak season. I was really disappointed when I realized that my appointment wasnt for tomorrow, but a Friday in October. Oh well.

Tomorrow I return to the gym for the first time in a week, having been thrown off by one thing or another, and on more than one occasion, my own rationalizations and excuses. I'm paying for the membership, I need to go more than once a week. I actually should go almost every day. Rather than allowing myself to play mental tetris with the things I need to get done in a day, I'm going to focus on establishing a routine, because the tetris thing... she ain't working out so much.

We have the circular saw! The floor is going down! Then the drywall! PROGRESSSSSSSS.

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