Thursday, July 19, 2007

Passport: The Burninator

There is a direct relationship between how much I write, and how strange things become...

The night after my last post we had the pleasant intervention of the obnoxious fire alarm. Unlike previous instances, the alarm began at a most inopportune time. Around, eh, oh, one thirty AM. That is my absolute favorite time to be woken up abruptly. When standing outside in the coldness and humidity, waiting for the "alarm to be resolved" ( an exercise through which they confirm the pre-existing thought that the alarm has gone off due to excessive heat on one floor, and quite nothing to do with any actual combustive force) people reflected that I looked "angry" or "pissed." The responses to such a statement are suprisingly limited, and consisted primarily of pointing at a clock and grunting the current time... I guess the number of options dwindle as the hours do.
It's somewhat shocking to see everyone's faces in the mornings, and realize that the times I will see them again are conspicuously numbered. I've got a Note on the side of my Desktop (wee Vista?) that has the countdown until the Arts Festival, the Reseach Paper due date and Graduation all prominently displayed against my wallpaper. Today being the second to last day of Seminars, and the last day for History and Literature, we are all beginning to feel the exhaustive effects of a world coming to its close. We are struggling to maintain our vigilance in the work still forthcoming, and yet are filled with the sweet, grinning satisfaction of trials overcome, as the most direct work portion of the program comes to a close. Late at night we find ourselves saying very little, but smiling very much from behind our computer screns at each other. The onslaught of take-out food, however, has not stemmed in the least. The chinese food guy lets himself in at this about convenience food.

Great trepidation comes with great treks. I'm looking with open eyes and open arms on the rest of the summer, and the stark difference between this experience and the one I am, as mentioned before, swiftly speeding towards. However, the passport agency is totally screwing with my plans.
(You hear that Passport Agency? Yeah? Good. Twerp...) The passport that I applied for several months ago has yet to come, and, according to testimony from the highest order (Read: Mom), their instructions are "If you don't have it by Thursday the 26th (3 days before the trip), come in to PHILADELPHIA on the 27th. Now, getting my passport two days prior to the trip would be troublesome as it is... but that is, to be cliche, "the tip of the iceberg." Friday is my graduation from NJSP, and Thursday is the day Paige leaves for TLW. Having to spend the day in the Passport Office in Philadelphia (Read: Ninth Level of Hell) would require one of my parents to pick me up Thursday night (thus depriving them of seeing my sister off), which is an hour and a half drive in its own right, to drive two hours into Philadelphia and back Friday. This sticky situation would only be worse in actual practice, as it would require me to get the whole of my things packed Thursday and would bar me from spending much time with my friends here as they, too, prepare to leave, myself being in a greater rush.
At this point, I can only hope for some glimmer of salvation within the labyrinthic depths of the passport agency's telephone system (Read: endless amount of time onhold (again, testimonial)).
Finally, good people, I leave you with this wisdom:

Cankersores. Suck.


Anonymous said...

As I sit here pondering whether to read the Potter book or the RLT blog, I must admit, The RLT is most entertaining. Do tell, what happens next in the story? It is a work of fiction, eh?

Unknown said...

I tried calling you on the 27th, but you didn't pick up. HENCE YOU FAIL.